Monday, November 22, 2010

Why we are called Dawn to Dream

My name is Dreama, no my parents were not hippies. The story is it was my dad's "Dream" to marry my mom and the 1st girl they had he wanted the name to be Dream. So now to the reason we are called Dawn to Dream goes back to when I was in high school & was sitting around day dreaming and thought about one day opening a little shop with my younger sister who had recently started going by her middle name Dawn. (First name Megan, says she had a complex because of my unusual name) I thought well that's kind of neat Dawn is in the morning and Dream is at night; between the 2 of us we cover the whole day. What a cute little store name Dawn to Dreams Accessories, I made jewelry (DREAMDROPJEWELRY.COM) and my sister did scrapbooking/ cards (DAWNSDESIGNS). Well this idea didn't come to be until I was pregnant, and several friends were pregnant. I needed baby gifts to give so I started making Mothers Bracelets, these are bracelets that have the childs name and birthstone or favorite colored crystals. I would make the bracelets my sister would make the Cards, then my mom would sew little baby balls or bags. So we decided we needed to make this a Gift Boutique with the 3 of us wanting to do so many different "gifty" things. By the way we had also thought about the Triple D's Dorinda, Dreama & Dawn but we thought that might send the wrong message. LOL! So back to the story, so now we do home shows, craft bazaars, a website, and Etsy to try and get our name and crafts out there.

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